Improved Fixed Tweak
almost 3 years ago

Version 4.16.4

Learn more about this update >

  • Improvement: Added option in “Commission” settings tab to include or exclude “custom discounts” (negative fees etc) from commission calculations.
  • Improvement: Added option in “Commission” settings tab to include or exclude “fees” in commission calculations and in order subtotal/total stats.
  • Improvement: Added option in “Commission” settings tab to include or exclude “shipping costs” in commission calculations and in order subtotal/total stats.
  • Improvement: Added option in “Referral URLs” settings tab to show/hide the “Referral Link Generator” and “Referral Statistics” sections on the affiliate dashboard.
  • Improvement: Added an “Add New Affiliate” button to the admin users list, to easily add a new affiliate user on this page.
  • Improvement: Added an “Add New Domain” button to the admin domains (“domain link tracking”) page, to easily add a new domain to a coupon on this page.
  • Tweak: Fees are no longer included in the “totals” and “subtotals” for orders shown in the affiliate dashboard, unless the new option to include fees in calculations is enabled.
  • Tweak: Updated the “save” buttons on settings tab of affiliate dashboard to be more consistent styling on certain themes.
  • Tweak: Added CSS to prevent some themes forcing the “date” filter input fields on affiliate dashboard to be much larger than needed, therefore affecting the layout.
  • Tweak: Removed the extra spacing above “Commission Graph” since 4.16.3
  • Tweak: Disabled some plugin/theme preloaders on affiliate dashboard page.
  • Tweak: Improved the styling for toggles on the settings page.
  • Tweak: Added links on the admin “Registrations” page to edit user, edit the coupon, and view the coupon affiliate dashboard.
  • Tweak: Added links on the admin “Domains” page to edit the coupon, and view the coupon affiliate dashboard.
  • Tweak: The form shown when “Add New Affiliate” is selected can now only be submitted if a “template coupon” has been set.
  • Fix: Fixed issue where in some cases affiliate users could not add domains for domain link tracking.
  • Fix: Fixed some of the “totals” stats with “include tax in calculations” enabled, when the order includes shipping costs or extra fees.
  • Fix: The custom “form style” option will now apply to the registration form shortcode, and fixed alignment of the submit application form on some themes.
  • Fix: Fixed issue in some cases the “Create New Registration” form in admin area not submitting, when a certain option was enabled.
  • Fix: Fixed issue on PHP 8 with admin pay button for Stripe and PayPal occasionally showing an error when clicked.
  • Dev: Updated Freemius SDK.
  • Dev: Made some small code format tweaks/improvements, and added 3 new hooks.
  • Version
  • Fix: Fixed issue with not being able to change the “Required order status to show on affiliate dashboard” (since the last update).
  • Version
  • Fix: Fixed an error when affiliates try to add a domain via direct link tracking.