New Improved Fixed Tweak
about 1 year ago

Version 5.6.0

We’re excited to introduce version 5.6.0 of Coupon Affiliates, which includes a brand new “Admin Tools” page.

We’ve also made several other tweaks and improvements, including an improved “Statistics” tab for the affiliate dashboard, with more customisation options.

Learn more about this update >

  • New: Added “Admin Tools” page to admin menu.
  • New: Added “Import/Export Custom Tables” tool to admin tools page. Import or export the custom tables used by the plugin.
  • New: Added “Bulk Create: Affiliate Coupons” tool to admin tools page. Bulk create or import a list of new affiliate coupons (and users) to be automatically created.
  • New: Added “Bulk Assign: Coupons to Orders” tool to admin tools page. Bulk assign affiliate coupons to orders for the affilaite to earn commission for that order.
  • New: (PRO) Added “Bulk Edit: Product Settings” tool to admin tools page. Bulk edit, import, or export the per-product commission settings.
  • New: Added “Bulk Edit: Coupon Settings” tool to admin tools page. Bulk edit, import, or export existing coupon commission rates and assigned user.
  • New: Added some new options to the “General” settings tab, under a new “Affiliate Dashboard Customisation” section under “Statistics” Tab, to customise what is shown on the “Statistics” tab on the affiliate dashboard.
  • New: Added a “Section Layout” option on the “Statistics” Tab customisation settings, to allow you to re-arrange the order of the sections on the “Statistics” tab on the affiliate dashboard.
  • New: Added 2 new options to show a “Commission Payouts” and “Latest Referrals” summary on the “Statistics” tab on the affiliate dashboard.
  • Tweak: Made some small adjustments to the styling of certain elements on the affiliate dashboard and admin area.
  • Tweak: Updated the “Help” tab on the admin settings page to now show all the links to the documentation pages.
  • Tweak: Changed the default colour/style of the table header/footer on the affiliate dashboard.
  • Tweak: In the settings page and setup wizard, added a way to quickly generate the “template coupon”. Also added an easy access “Edit Coupon” link, under it.
  • Tweak: Updated to allow HTML / links in the labels for custom registration fields.
  • Tweak: Only load the graphs script if the line graphs are enabled.
  • Tweak: If the per-coupon rates are edited for a single coupon, it will now refresh the stats automatically.
  • Tweak: In the “Referral Link Settings” adding some validation to make sure the “Default Page” being set is a valid URL.
  • Tweak: Updated the affiliate dashboard tabs to stay highlighted when selected and that tab is active.
  • Tweak: Improvement to percentage change amounts shown on the “Statistics” tab of affiliate dashboard.
  • Tweak: Updated the “Newest Affiliate Coupons” table on the admin dashboard to only show coupons with an affiliate user assigned.
  • Tweak: Some small tweaks/improvements to the line graphs.
  • Tweak: A few small tweaks/improvements to mobile version of affiliate dashboard.
  • Tweak: When refreshing the stats for an affiliate dashboard it will no longer temporarily disable all the other tabs on the dashboard.
  • Fix: Fixed an issue with the new option to set a custom “Affiliate Referrer Coupon” for orders, if the coupon was not in lowercase (since 5.5.0).
  • Fix: (PRO) Fixed a PHP warning with the “Dynamic Code Generator” feature in certain cases.
  • Fix: (PRO) Fix line graph occasionally not loading when ajax loading is disabled.
  • Fix: Fixed a “Undefined variable: lifetimeaffiliate” PHP notice on the single order page.