Fixed Tweak
12 months ago

Version 5.7.1

  • Tweak: The affiliate dashboard stats will be automatically refreshed when changing the “required order status to show on affiliate dashboard” option.
  • Tweak: The affiliate dashboard stats will be automatically refreshed when saving options without ajax saving enabled, if certain options are changed (commission rates etc).
  • Tweak: The affiliate dashboard stats will no longer force refresh stats if the usage is 0, since it does not need to be refreshed.
  • Fix: Fixed an issue with the new “remove all tracking cookies when customer places an order” option causing clicks in the clicks logs to not show as converted when an order is placed. This did not affect the actual commissions.
  • Fix: Fixed an issue where the “Total Sales” on the “All-time” stats on the affiliate dashboard was sometimes not using/showing the correct decimal amounts, since the last update.
  • Fix: Fixed an issue if both “Pending payment” and “Processing” order statuses were set to display on the affiliate dashboard, the “All-time” stats would not update for new orders, on the affiliate dashboard.
  • Other: Tested with WooCommerce 7.9.0